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Love the Children 97 
 Answered Prayer

Borispol Airport - We arrive after a twenty four hour trip from Tucson and go to collect our luggage and medical supplies. We're in a former Communist country where we've never been before and are already apprehensive. Now, while getting our luggage, the lights go out in the airport. That doesn't help.tucsonairport Now, what's up? The group begins gathering the luggage into one area and we huddle around it trying to feel safe. After about 10 minutes, the lights come back on only to go off and on again a few minutes later.

A scary arrival to our (almost) final destination. But shortly God will make His presence known again.

We left Tucson with 30 ``dish pack" cartons (seen in the upper left picture ready to be checked in at the Tucson airport) filled with medical supplies, prescription drugs, a wheel chair, etc. from many donors in Tucson. Customs asked us to set aside several cartons to be opened up for inspection, the ones with prescription drugs in them. We feel that we are about to ``lose" these - that we will never see them again. But God has other things in mind. The customs officers begin unpacking three boxes and it looks like they're going to go through everything very carefully and check that our packing lists are accurate, or maybe just keep them. Then, in only a few minutes, they essentially say ``Never mind" and tell us to close up the boxes and leave. They have hardly even looked through our boxes and have already said that we are OK to leave. We quickly close the boxes and move everything out to the front of the airport so we can load them onto the bus to the final (really) destination in Brovary, Ukraine.

God has made the entry into the Ukraine simple, with all tucsonairport2of our medical supplies intact. A real answer to prayer.

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